Originally Posted by 673
Originally Posted by KillerBee
Originally Posted by 673
Can someone explain to Canadians ....how is it that a person can come to Canada, run for office, get elected, then this is what is puzzling.... go all out and try to change traditional Canadian value's?

Because Canada is a "Ruined Nation", it is a shell of it's former self.

Again I do not blame Trudeau for this, many of our Prime Ministers did quite the number on our country, before he hit the scene.
I blame Trudeau, completely.
I thought you didn't give a shyte.

Well I do not know how you can blame Trudeau completely? Don't you think that others are responsible for the state Canada is in?

Another thing I will share that I noticed:

I was walking to the garage to get my car after they were doing some work on it about 5 years ago. I happened to walk by a elementary school as the children were leaving for the day, and immediately something struck me as strange.

I then realized that I did not see any white kids, so for the hell of it I started counting, the total count I made was 153 children, only 4 were Caucasian!

This observation made me instantly realize that the reason why Trudeau won the election, is because of the immigrant vote.

Did I ever say I didn't give a shyte?????

I personally do not remember saying that. I have no fight with you 673, so do me a favor and don't try to create one with me. Your fight is with the Federal Government, not me!