Good afternoon sir, I hope you're getting decent weather out on the flatlands and you're all well.

For sure it's smoke and mirrors.

They that is PM Socks, Rolex Singh and the BQ aren't backing down truly, just regrouping.

The handgun and AR variant issue hasn't moved.

Again I'll use the analogy that both sides are in our corners waiting for the bell.

They have an agenda and ours is just as clear - they hope for our demise through attrition and legislation and we're reciprocating.

I'd like nothing better than the majority of Canadians to wake up to what the left are up to and then leave their ranks. As well I'd like some rights enshrined in a meaningful Canadian bill of rights that the whim of parliament can't undo.

We'll see.

All the best and thanks for your efforts in the task at hand.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"