Morning sir, thanks for the reply.

There is nothing in your post I do not echo 100%.

I've been madly texting connections all across 3 provinces about this, letting them know and encouraging them to keep the pressure on.

Was telling one that I was laughed at in a gun club meeting in '81 or maybe it might have been '84 when I said "They want them all".

The old boys said that "they" were never coming for their Husky .270 and besides nobody needed a black rifle. As it turns out, Husky is a "Mauser sporter" variant and they bloody well did come for it. I assured this person as long as I've got two functioning brain cells and a pulse this is one struggle I'm in for the long haul. I mean after 42 years it's a bit of way of life now after all. wink

You are correct, we need to become involved and engaged at all levels of government.

For sure taking away my handguns won't make anyone any safer at any time - all of C-21 needs to be binned as you've said.

I'd like to get the RCMP out of the role of deciding what bothers Murray Smith or his replacement today and what does not as well.

Again I'll suggest that anyone reading this from Canada who isn't a member of CCFR, NFA or CSSF should give it some hard consideration as to why not.

Best to you all.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"