Originally Posted by 673
I was referring to the overreach and amendments here recently, I will say again....wondering if the add ons aren't just a ruse to get the hunting/farming/ community up in arms, then the Turd saves the day by stepping back on the hunting rifles making himself and friends look like champs, and the Conservatives would look like they did something, meanwhile.......the handguns and SA etc are still on.

I fear that may very well be the plan. The spin he puts on everything he says is untrustworthy to say the least. This government is up to something, something that stinks like the bull pucky he spews each time he speaks or at least sputters.
The instructions given today by the Alberta government and all the other support they are giving us is impressive and refreshing. I worry about the NDP returning to power in Alberta to be sure. Our province is changing for sure. The UCP must win in May 2023!