Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by antlers
What about all of Jesus’ followers who lived before ‘the Bible’ ever even came into existence in the 4th century...?
Well what about them? Prior to Bible they were already long at each other's throats tribal style in broad disagreement over the ‘truth' concerning one Jesus. Seems like God was sending very mixed messages when talking to each of them 'one on one' ..
Christianity made some pretty great strides during the 282 years before the Bible ever even existed. Against many odds, a small band of Jesus’ followers with no military and no territory and no ‘the Bible’ went into the streets of Jerusalem...and proclaimed that the ‘final’ sacrifice for sin had already been made, not just for Jewish people, but for all of the people in all of the world, forever. It flew right in the face of Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and Jewish religion. And about 347 years later, in 380 a.d., emperor Theodocious the 1st in the Edict of Thessonolica, made Christianity the sole authorized religion of the very empire that crucified Jesus and tried to crush His movement...! And today Jesus is worshipped by literally billions of people (Satan hates it, as do many others, clearly). He is the greatest individual in the history of Western civilization. That’s quite an accomplishment for early followers of Jesus who were “long at each other's throats tribal style”; that’s quite an accomplishment for early followers of Jesus who were receiving “mixed messages“ from God.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.