Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by Adirondack69

Please cite the examples of these learned Christians, that have acknowledged that the events contained in the Bible are fictional.

The are a number on the CF that in the past
have revealed their disbelief in Bible stories.
CF regulars that have followed evolution/ intel.
design discussions would recall such.

Something else that sends the zealots off the
deep end, are the NT letters of Paul & Peter
deemed forgeries in the opinion of scholars.

only 6, maybe 7 of the 13 letters attributed to Paul were written by the "Original Paul", if such a person ever existed. Keep in mind the original 6, and a version of Luke was "found" by Marcion. Today we know there letter were heavily edited, redacted and a combination of letters. As an example Second Corinthians isn't one letter, but three to five different letters stitched together. It's a work that evolved over time, and it all likely hood has little resemblance to it's beginning.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell