Originally Posted by TF49

You and another here seem to often make a claim or make a broad and erroneous statement about God.. or Jesus .. or the Bible ... then, when pressed, you can't back it up. You get mad when someone shows you your error and calls bs on you.

You fail to deal with the very issues you bring up. This is dismissal and defense without having to deal the with very issues you yourself raise.

An example of this is your post about God's love.... seems you did a simple internet search for verses...about love... (note they are listed by cut and paste without context and this is another error)..... you also ignored any verses about God's condemnation of sin ... and then you give us YOUR own thoughts about "Love."

I do no such thing. You are offering excuses. You are not dealing with the issue, Typical for some theists, trying to make it personal as a means of avoiding the problem of contradictions.

Basic logic should tell you that if Love does not keep record of wrongs, Love does not punish the children for the wrongs of their parents or grandparents.

Basic logic should tell you that if Love ''always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres,'' Love does not condemn others to eternal torment for mere lack of conviction.

Basic logic should tell you that if Love does not delight in evil, Love does not create it or fail to to prevent evil if it arises.

Love, by the definition given in the bible, does not create 'vessels fitted for destruction.'

It is logic rather than me that should tell you there is a contradiction.