Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Major pillars of the Christian Faith are now known to be Mythical, the 6 days creation, garden of eden, the Flood story, Exodus, Joshua's conquest of Judea are pure myth. Even the tales of King David are now known to be at least mostly if not completely myth, and the current research on Jesus and even Mohammad is moving in that direction as well.
I disagree with your assertion my friend that “the 6 days of creation, the garden of eden, the Flood story, Exodus, and Joshua's conquest of Judea” are “Major pillars of the Christian Faith.” Believing in those things literally, is ‘not’ a requirement for salvation. I think there’s allegory in The Bible, especially among the things you mentioned above. If others disagree with me on that, I’m more than cool with it. Anyway, believing in The Gospel ‘is’ a requirement for salvation. Just as Bart Ehrman made it crystal clear that his problems with ‘The Bible’ are ‘not’ what caused him to lose his Christian faith, many believers have zero problems with what they consider allegorical parts of The Bible, or with other things in The Bible that some/many people struggle with, or are pointed out by others. To me, the foundation of Christianity is ‘not’ a theology, and it’s ‘not’ a book (The Bible). To me, the foundation of Christianity is an event, and that event is the resurrection of Jesus. If others choose to disagree with me on any of that, I’m more than OK with it.

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