Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Without God there's a lot left. How about we begin with our Constitution and the 7,000 years of history rooted in the British Iles that culminated in it's creation.
Our Constitution is indeed based on Christian thought and British history, such as the Magna Carta are indelibly Catholic documents.

Please tell what there is in my political and economic beliefs that resonates of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?
I don't know all of your politics, maybe not even any of it. But would you be against laws repealing no-fault divorce? Are you against basic Christian education in school? Would you be against laws blocking women from assuming combat roles in the military? Would you be against laws citing Biblical justifications?

Starman, like Marx, claims that religion is the "opiate of the masses" when in reality it is just the opposite. Starman, Marx and other Progs promote license under the banner of "freedom" yet all they really do is promote chaos. Chaos, which of course, the Statists have solutions for. Isn't that convenient?

For instance, look at the liberal divorce laws. No fault divorce, splitting the property between 2 of the parties while completely ignoring the children, etc. What's the result of this chaos Progressives/Marxists have created? Poverty, mental illness, crime and alienation. And of course, to solve all these things, we need more police, government mental health care & counseling, and elaborate court system to enforce divorce decrees. And as a bonus, all those alienated children grow up sexually confused having little or no idea what it means to be a man and they vote for more government. Nice trick, isn't it?

Politics is War by Other Means