Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by TF49
You should not presume to judge God. His thoughts and His ways are above your ways.

This is the worst idea ever put forth by religious people.

There are no good reasons to believe any gods, let alone your God, exists. All evidence indicate the the thoughts and actions attributed to your God came from ancient men without benefit of the knowledge accumulated over that last 2500-3000 years. I have every right to question the thoughts and judgements of other men, especially those of ancient, relatively primitive humans.

This is a common dishonest tactic used by the religion, not just Christians, to shut down the discussion when it enters uncomfortable territory, especially when the actions claims of values portrayed in the Bible clearly conflict with modern science or our modern, more evolved, sense or morality.

There is nothing moral about scapegoating. It doesn't matter if you are killing a goat to cleans the tribe of it's since, or torturing an murdering a human, or your own child for the sins of others. It's not moral.

The actions of God in the flood story, are not moral.

Gods actions in the slaughter of the Midianites are not moral, especially where he's unhappy that only the adult men were slaughtered, and order the murder of all male children, and all women who are not virgins. There are not moral acts, and if you do not question them, your morality is broken, and it was broken by your belief in your God.

But it doesn't end there. Young Earth Creationist, Modern Flat Earthers, the deniers of The Theory of Evolution, all come from this absurd idea that certain claims and idea's cannot be questions because they appear in a certain book, or set of books. It is the excuse of the religious to not think critically, and just blindly follow their faith no matter what, even when deep down, you know it is wrong.

Well, you don't accept Jesus nor the Bible, so your comments can viewed in that context.

You are placing your own personal opinion and view above that of the Bible.

That is not my view. In my view, your are questioning the integrity of your Creator. You presume that you know and understand His ways and disapprove. This attitude will not serve you well. And, as we have discussed before this is not a threat, it is a warning. Even a plea....

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”