One of the worst things that has happened in the world of motorcycles has been the whining by short guys which has resulted in all of us over six feet having to ride cramped mini bikes. Currently, I mostly ride a Suzuki DL650 V Strom. It is, in most respects, an excellent motorcycle. I don't really care for the anti-lock brakes and I hate that it takes a half hour to get to the damned air filter. The bike benefits from another tooth on the front sprocket as stock gearing is lower than it should be. It handles very well and has enough power for us two-up. My wife says the rear seat is more comfortable than any other bike we've had. I switched the seat out for a higher one when I bout it and it's OK. I intensely dislike all of the electronic gadgetry we are forced to buy today but it's getting pretty hard to find good '80's bikes. GD