Originally Posted by pal
You erred by:

a) making the presumption that there is a "perfect motorcycle"

Where did I say it existed?

b) coming off as if you are a motorcycle expert

Again, you gotta tell me what I have said that is incorrect.

c) putting down bikes you know less than nothing about

What bike have I put down? Trust me, I would be delighted to learn you can put in twelve hours at 80 on a Sportster like you can on many other bikes without getting beat half to death. Also, the quoted lean angles came right off of H-D's own published specs.

d) establishing unintelligent criteria (rebuildable in a parking lot, etc) for the nonexistent perfect bike.

Hang on, Bristoe knows a guy from Toronto who rebuilt the transmission on his antique BMW R65 in a shed somewhere up above the Arctic Circle, I'll lay odds he coulda done the same thing in a parking lot around here.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744