My buddies make a living riding FXR’s and FXDX’s. Started as a hobby of showing what is possible on a Harley and turned into a clothing company and being part of Monster energy power sports team. They travel the country riding and [bleep] off. Hot women and parties surround every minute of their life. Bay Area boys that moved south to make it big and rub elbows with correct folks. I thought they were crazy when they left good jobs to pursue this dream. Turns out I was the crazy one. Had the pleasure of riding with them as things progressed and wheelied the piss out out of everything when making the first videos. Long before the professional videographers and helicopters used in their films now. Hard to believe now we shared the same little league ball fields and Christmas Eve parties. Unknown industries. Here is a link to their website and YouTube videos. Amazing stuff. Still got my FXDX though I think that chapter in my life is closing.