Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
My Sportster (05 Roadster) was ok on the left, dragged the muffler clamp on the right. Dragged engine cases on the 81 Honda 900f. 84 VF500F seemed to have plenty. The Lowrider is far more leisurely.

Thanks for the feedback.

Harley offered a Sportster set up for touring for a while (the 1200T), recently discontinued. How possible is it to set up a Sporster for at least day-trips in reasonable comfort for a passenger?

Depends an awful lot on the riders. Simply put, there isn't an awful lot of room. I see no reason day trips would be a problem for most. One thing that is a bit different, is that riders of 30 or 40 years ago, wouldn't even question it. Given what was available at the time, a Sportster was just fine. People haven't changed physically, apart from being somewhat heavier, but their ability to put up with discomfort has changed. A bit of a choppy ride, and they whine. There are better options now, but a,Sportster is still a decent bike for a nice day trip. Nice seat, suspension upgrade, a bit of storage, and off you go. Just a windshield, if you need that. Something removable. Sportsters are really fun, nekkud....