Well. back in my Harley days I was neither old nor ugly and my blond and blue girlfriend at the time said that bike was like a 500 pound dil do. Okay it did wiggle a bit not being all rubber mounted and all. I could look in the mirrors and tell that there was something behind me, but I couldn't make out real clear if it was a Kia or a Kenworth. A bunch of us rented a condo during Bike Week at Stirgus and one of the guys rented a rubber mounted full dresser FL Harley to have as a spare just in case. Jeanie and I took that thing one day and it was so smooth it was boring. Given the choice she wanted to ride on mine, the motorcycle I mean, oh and that too. A rather good week riding dirt bikes and Harley's.

My other auto is a .45

The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory