I had a few 7/08s, then some 6.5x55s, custom 6.5/308, then the 260 came out.....then I just downsized all and let the 6.5's go.....then a bulb went off, why did I NEED a 7mm over the 6.5's? So, not long ago, sold off my last of 7/08s, great shooters btw, and back in the 6.5's. Can't say I miss the 7/08, but if I NEEDED ammo and did not reload..I might ponder one again, even before a 308.....but I never foresee that being a REAL issue as long as we have some gun rights.

It's all personal preference, but if I can't get done what I DO, then I'll get something with a 338 or 358 hole in it. Can't imagine needing a 375 or 416 but I have no plans for Africa.

Must admit to having to contain my grins and laughs at the range when guys drag out their Big Booming and Heavy Super Whiz Banging
Magnumitis guns that kick the snot out of them, and I shoot circles around them.

Knowing good and well, even my 6mmBR will kill deer to the length of the furthest backstop at my local gun club,...I did it a few years back, 105 amax, 2840, dead in 25 yds from hit....double lunged, good thing game cannot read the Gack! Lol.

Maybe that deer did know, a .500 BC Amax slowed to an impact speed allowing to penetrate/exit, yet expand and shed much of the 1,000 lbs of remaining energy. Seen a post/pics on here where a guy dumped an elk w/243 AI and 85 TSX, another site about a 6.5 Creedmore, elk at 500+ yds......each shooter knew their weapon, picked a good bullet, and steered it well.

They will all work, when you steer a good bullet thru vitals, I just rather focus on that, and not get distracted losing my hearing and needing shoulder/neck surgery in the process.

That old adage, beware of the man with one gun, is one the military adopts it seems: 308 has worked well, because they give soldiers Sniper rifles, mil dots, knobs, and likely only ONE ammo to learn/train with and it's effective....the KISS philosphy.

Had the 6.5/308 been around FIRST, for bolt sniper rifles, I doubt the 308 would have overtaken it, when you look across the ranges that snipers train out, out to 800-1000 yds, IIRC, the 6.5s truly leave the 308s far behind in drop and wind, BUT again, I would NOT want to be on the wrong end of said 308 rifle/load and soldier, I think I'd be in trouble.

Heck, watched a video with a guy using a 50 cal, Canadian sniper, had a confirmed hit/kill on a Taliban I believe, at around 1.5 miles, 2340 yds or something insane. Impressive indeed.

Ultimately, the shooter is the determining factor, and we all must use whatever makes us happy, and works best for our needs, as those sometimes do vary. With practice and skill, most anything can be made effective if it's aimed properly. Some just like the 'less is more' philosophy as in less recoil, blast to ears, etc. not to mention allowing the shooter to often practice more and flinch less.

I like to be effective, and efficient in the process, and you can have both.