Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Not playing that game OCC. Coming back to fundamental points, he should not have gone there anymore than Paul should have. Trying to determine primacy of insults would require effort. I have seen lots of stuff thrown by lots of parties and only the last one matters when it crosses lines.

Further, there may have been something I said about it at the time...

Regardless what came before, his line was out of line...


You are generally a pillar of respect and honest info on the Campfire, but you hammered Jeff when he didn't start it. And when somebody else says it, and it comes back in spades, I wouldn't be so quick on the trigger.

Jeff says a lot of roll-your-eyes kind of stuff here, but he doesn't start out attacking somebody else--he responds to attacks--that's an IMPORTANT difference.

If you're gonna hammer Jeff, then Paul deserves it too--if you are going to criticize where criticism is due........



Not being married to any particular political party sure makes it a lot easier to look at the world more objectively...
Having said that, MAGA.