To inject a little humor you may appreciate since your from Ak.

While checking our rifles outside of Cordova prior to a Goat hunt one of the hunters got to close to his scope on a Kimber .300WSM.
Gave him an ugly gash above his eyebrow/nose. Could have used about 4 stitches. With no other medical people around and me being a pharmacist they asked me to clean it up and asked what I thought. I said that he would probably be ok with some antiseptic and band aids, but since he was going to be humping and sweating some, along with being up on the mountain, that if any infection set in it may not be good for his hunt and that perhaps he should run into town and have the clinic stitch him up.

The guide kind of looked at me funny and I asked why. He said except for kids he doubted that an adult would go the the clinic in Cordova for something that minor. The guy got embarrassed and said for me to just clean and patch it up.

Peer pressure rules again. smile

Last edited by battue; 06/04/09.

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