Welllll, Okie Dokie....that water looks a BUNCH better, and I'll bet you could almost see through the beer, had it been in a bottle. wink
Still waiting down here for the creeks to clear up enough for the fish to see a fly, or my dog to wade across without being swept away. Matter of fact I was going to get out all the tackle this week, sort, put on new line etc.( I fish with hardware too, but just can't bring myself to use garden hackle...)
You been workin' graveyards or what? I see alot of your posts are during insomniac happy hour... tired
Anyway, till I get some pics this season, heres one of me and the dog getting a brown...
[Linked Image]
And oh, yeah, to stay on topic and keep this thread alive...the 7mm-08 makes a better fish gun laugh

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe