Weed out the chaff in what you are being given... Your rifle is nothing like set up properly for you or anyone else. Kid yourself all you like.

If your photgraphed stance is "natural" for you, change it. If your stance is contrived (my best guess) in the photo, you already know the answer.

You are once again wrong and refusing to accept it, claiming a pile-on... Watch the "Addams Family Values" movie tonight and look for the scene where the camp counselor tells the girls it is time for Lifesaving class.

"First we need a victim" says the counselor.
"I'll be the victim, i'll be the victim," shouts a blonde girl.

"Your whole life you will be," says the Addams girl.

Classic scene...

Last edited by Sitka deer; 06/03/09. Reason: typo

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.