Originally Posted by mcmurphrjk
Now, I'm not trying to be an ass, but what about shooting from prone? A guy would have to be pretty flexible in the neck to keep away from that scope.
Am I missing something?

You may be right- for you. It's not a problem, for me.

I have my problems, like most of us I would think, with shooting. I'm far from perfect. But getting hit by the scope isn't one oif them.

There really is a clue to this, if you'll just do the thought experiment I typed earlier. A rifle is coming up, and back, is it not? Do the math. If not getting hit is your #1 priority, I humbly submit that the absolute last thing you want to be doing is mounting your scope far forward, then crawling the stock to get a full picture, no black so to speak.

At any rate, I'm not selling anybody anything. I got attacked by Art and others, this is just defense, not offense. If the way I shoot won't work for you, that's cool by me! I've tried it both ways, and simply prefer a relaxed, natural, consistant head position, and to not crawl the stock to chase the image at full power.

The CENTER will hold.

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