"The general rule is that the ocular lens (not the end of the scope, but the lens) be located in line with back of the trigger guard."

A "rule" I have not heard before...

As the Bard might have said "Surely you jest". The Conquest is claimed to have 4" of eye relief. If that is where the scope need be to "fit" then adjustments must be made elsewhere for a hunting rifle.

The noted fact another shooter was bitten by said sad mounting should trump any weak argument about the user's needs. That mainly attributable to the lack of knowledge and experience displayed by said mounter. The Risk:Reward ratio is sadly skewed under the circumstances of a potential injury of extreme consequence and the absolute and utter lack of compelling argument for the positioning. Having seen bad results from poor mounting (lack of options rather than poor choices) it is obvious only the uninformed could weigh in for the mounting.

And clearly the scope manufacturers do not want their scopes mouonted that far back...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.