It seems every frickin' thread in which I have an interest somehow turns into a pissin' match. Holy Crap!!! Threads with 100 posts. 40 of those from one guy, 20 from another and ten from another with the rest odds and ends like me. When I was a kid and burnt my hand by touching something hot, guess what, I didn't touch that hot thing anymore. How many times can you beat your head against a wall before it really starts to hurt? For me, it would be once, maybe twice. But guess what. I already know that pounding my head against the wall will hurt so I'm not gonna test my theory. Not even once, let alone over and over and over and over.

I apologize for the rant; but, God this is getting old. I'm not the brightest bulb in the box. At least I know and acknowledge that fact.
The good thing is, amongst all of the hair pulling and spit wads there is a least some good info to be found. Too bad I have to dig through the box of horse crap to see if I can find the horse.

Just because someone may be an A-hole doesn't make them wrong, as much as you may want that to be so. It just makes them an A-hole with a valid point or arguments supported by fact. Feeding an inflated ego does nothing to the owner of said ego and only causes lumps on the head of the great cisifuses of the world (see first paragraph).

I guess I shouldn't complain. Lord knows I've been coming back to watch this thread like one might drive around the block to get another view of the car accident. It doesn't change much, the carnage just becomes more evidently gruesome. Does that make me perverted?

Good night gentlemen.

Last edited by TheBigSky; 04/27/09. Reason: Eliminated a split infinitive.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck