Last year I started devoting shooting time to the pistolas and I've seen my accuracy improve. I really dig pulling an "Elmer Keith" and shooting them long range. Damn fun and, once you get the hang of it, surprisingly accurate. Even with my Glock .45, I can hit the foot square rock at the 100 yd line a few times with every clip and most shots are MOD (minute of dude).

Just for grins, I gotta tell you this story: I used to live in snake country and I dispatched my share of rattlers with my Ruger 22. Well one day after head shooting one, my neighbor walks over and examined the corpse and observed, "That's nice shooting. How do you head shoot them like that." Well, I was in a funnin' mood so I started weaving the barrel in a figure 8 in the air and I explained that it sort of hypnotized the snake and when you fired, the snake would sense the heat of the bullet and strike at it, thereby insuring a good head shot. Guy scratched his head and wandered back home. I sure heard a lot of shooting going on in the days following my BSing him and it made me grin every time grin