Counterpoint: According to this video...

....the dead guy “looked” like a perp who had been committing burglaries (I would guess he might have been, the three armed citizens who lived there obviously thought he was).

....the guy in the video claims that according, to Georgia law, you can only affect a citizen’s arrest if you see a crime in progress. The armed citizens apparently did not.

....the dead guy who was fleeing the scene was being pursued by at least three armed citizens in two vehicles.

....when confronted by the armed citizen, the dead guy attempted to evade at which time the shotgun-armed citizen moved to block his flight, precipitating the fatal struggle.

....according to the guy in this video link, the Prosecutor held on to the possibly damning video until it was anonymously leaked (I have no idea even if true, if that constitutes malfeasance on the part of the Prosecutor.

Here’s the counterpoint:

If the Citizens’ Arrest Law in Georgia is true as presented, I would guess a whole lot is gonna ride on the question of if they SAW the dead guy actually committing a crime.

Either way, hindsight says they shoulda handled it different, I’m sure the armed citizens at this point wish they had.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744