
“This case, at first, appears to contain some of the same elements that feed into the despicable and violent history of racism in our country just based upon what little the public knows about this case up until now, but this case is not that story," said his defense attorney, Franklin Hogue.

He also said the defense team has amassed additional witnesses, documents, and video footage.

“That tells a very different story, both about Greg, about his son, Travis, and about Ahmaud Arbery,” he said.

“And as we get near to court, to work on communicating to a jury, the reasons why those facts explain the truth of what happened on Feb. 23,” Laura Hogue said.

"Those that think they know everything are annoying those of us that have Google." - Dr. D. Edward Wilkinson

Note to self: Never ask an old Fogey how he is doing today.
Revised note to self: Keep it short when someone asks how I am doing.