Did you see anyone in the video pointing a gun at the jogger before the fight ensued?

Open carry is not legally deemed a threat.

Originally Posted by Wannabebwana
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Kidnapping? Really? Go back and get your GED, Jethro.

If it’s lawful to stand there with a shotgun, and someone tries to grab it.....A BIG IF......justified shooting. Only two chumps can testify to that, unfortunately.

All the geniuses claim the video shows everything, then want to say you can’t see if the deceased got violent and turned toward the shooter, grabbing the gun. Can’t have it both ways.

The cheerleader in the pickup bed is likely off.....murder charge is all political, waiting for the election season (or later) to render verdicts.

Any chance the deceased recognized the ex-law-enforcement officer he had past dealings with?

If someone accosts you for no reason and points a gun at you, do you have the right to defend yourself?

Presuming you sensibly answered yes to that, if you were empty handed and felt your life was in danger, do you think that one of the ways to defend yourself would be to try to disarm the person who was holding the gun to you?

"Those that think they know everything are annoying those of us that have Google." - Dr. D. Edward Wilkinson

Note to self: Never ask an old Fogey how he is doing today.
Revised note to self: Keep it short when someone asks how I am doing.