"I hit the refresh button again and it was like an anvil dropped on my chest when I finally saw the blue hyper link appear signifying the results were up. We decided to pray before checking the results. Finally, I clicked the link and started scrolling. If I saw my name, I passed, if I didn’t I failed. Watching the scroll bar bottom out on the screen nearly crushed me. I looked up at my mom and shook my head and muttered, “and I didn’t pass”. It was my third time taking the bar exam and I had failed again. I jumped up and headed upstairs. My mom shouted, “Where are you going?” I yelled back, “To Study! The next exam is in 3 months I gotta get going early”. I grabbed my bag of bar bri prep books and came down stairs when my mom grabbed me and asked, “Son, are you okay”? I looked at her angrily and then it happened…I completely broke down."


If Noir's his real name, he ain't a lawyer in Texas, cordin to the Texas bar.


You hafta enter his name.

My cousin Vinny knows more bout the law than this guy.