Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Hastings

As to all this fussing about blacks killing folks in Chicago and their depredations elsewhere, what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China.

It's got to do with the difference between how the media covers blacks killing whites as opposed to whites killing blacks.

You hear about it on a national level for days every time whites kill blacks. (a very rare occurrence)

You never hear about it on a national level when blacks kill whites. (a far from rare occurrence)

I think Mark Twain commented on this with some remark about it not being news when a dog bites a man but is big news when a man bites a dog. You are right that black on black homicides are very common and black on white crimes fairly common while whites attacking blacks is uncommon. Thus news worthy. But I would agree that more sympathy for blacks attacked by whites is unwarranted. All crime victims should receive society's sympathy and support. Blacks are not leaving and going back to Africa and as a matter of fact most of them carry more Caucasian genetics than you imagine. Might as well get used to them and make the best of it. We've got plenty of white trash to deal with and American Native trash also

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."