Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
More than a year after high school?

In early December 2013, more than a year after he had graduated, a school resource officer spotted a handgun in his waistband as he waited to enter a basketball game at the Brunswick High School, records show. Arbery ran, and police chased and arrested him. Arbery admitted he was armed but no longer had the gun. Police later found a .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun in front of the gym. He was charged with weapons possession at a school and obstructing an officer.

Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER

In early December, police responded after Arbery and three friends were accused of trying to steal a television from a Brunswick Walmart. The officer ordered all four to sit on the parking lot. Arbery tried to stand up as he argued about whether he had done anything. The officer handcuffed Arbery face-down on the asphalt.

The shoplifting charge prompted an investigation into his probation status by the Glynn County District Attorney’s office in early 2018. Greg McMichael led the investigation that led to the revocation of Arbery’s probation.

Nobody here is claiming Arbery has been any kind of angel. The only claim is that McMichaels had no legal cause to forcibly detain Arbery on the street the day of Arbery's death.

Are private citizens now entitled to "Stop and Frisk"? Because that is what McMichaels was actually doing. And do you and I have no right to resist such an act perpetrated upon us by another citizen?

Is it okay if the victim is just a "jogger" and the perp is not a "jogger". Must the jogger endure the harassment just because he is a "jogger"? Do "joggers" have no right to self defense or "Stand Your Ground"?

So we know that Arbery was well known to McMichaels. And if McMichaels had seen video recording of Arbery in the neighborhood, he probably would have recognized him. But that is an assumption.

What we do know is that McMichaels recognized Arbery on the day of Arbery's death as they pursued him through the streets. We know that McMichaels was (or at least should have been) familiar with police procedure. We know that McMichaels should have known that all he had to do was give Arbery's name to local police and they could go to Arbery's home and pick him up at any time.

But for some reason, McMichaels was motivated to personally detain Arbery on the street regardless of the force needed to do so.

What inspired such motivation? McMichaels is on record as being unable to articulate probable cause. The very first thing any policeman, let alone a Detective, should have learned to do before initiating an arrest. For what reason did McMichaels have a "Hard On" for Arbery in particular?

Unfortunately, McMichael's son got caught up in the mob mentality, anger, and excitement. (yes a mob of two) It is possible the Old Man was actually smart enough to not attempt a physical confrontation. I bet he wishes now that he had not gotten his son so fired up.

It is not possible for rational minds to understand the actions taken by irrational people.

https://www.nytimes.com/article/ahmaud-arbery-shooting-georgia.html The Glynn county police department was already facing local political pressure to disband before the Arbery shooting due to a string of recent corruption scandals.

In March the department’s police chief and three high ranking officers were indicted on perjury charges related to allegations they ignored evidence that an officer from the department was consorting with a local drug dealer.

The department was forced to disband a specialist narcotics department in 2019 after an investigator was found to have had sex with two confidential informants. The department found evidence of the misconduct in 2017 but failed to investigate. In 2018 the department lost certifications with two law enforcement bodies, the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police and the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement.

On Monday an outside judge was appointed to preside over the trial of the two men charged with Arbery’s murder, one of whom is a retired law

It has already been explained to us that McMichaels loss of arrest credentials due to his failure to attend training is just SOP for Police Enforcement. We were told that officers ignore training requirements all the time and it is nothing to be concerned about. How about the above quoted material? Is this just SOP for the average police dept across the nation?

Perhaps local police, when they recommended to a property owner that he enlist the help of vigilantes, is just one more example of the corruption and incompetence replete within McMichael's former employers.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.