Originally Posted by hookeye
He went into a construction area/residence.
That made somebody take notice.
If I remember right, that person called the guys in the truck.

Had he stayed on the road/sidewalk...........walking or jogging.........would the caller have made up a story about his actions?
Was the caller racist?

Or did he simply see somebody acting a bit questionable, in an area that had burglaries?

Laws and even social norms, basic politeness.............seems lost on a pretty damn big group of people.
And it costs some of them dearly.

Can't tell you how many new constructions I've stopped at to inspect. I know others who've done the same. Its something guys who are interested in construction and building often do. If there were no "no trespassing" signs then under Georgia law, visiting the construction site and going into the residence isn't even a trespass (a misdemeanor) let alone a burglary (a felony).
