Originally Posted by Bristoe
Now Birdwatcher chimes in to tell about how he was only accosted by FN FAL weilding black revolutionaries *once* while he was in Ghana,...and that since they didn't kill and eat him, they must be nice guys.

Golly, I taught you something smile

Even his enemies state that only 28 people died in the Rawlings coup, I dunno the exact truth of that, but it was remarkably bloodless as military coups go.

Rawlings toppled a ludicrously corrupt government, got on the radio and said "We Ghanaians like to blame our problems on the White man, but I'm telling you today that Ghana is merely a reflection of how we are, collectively, as Ghanians". He also intitiated firearms training for the common people so that more than just the Army would know how to use them. He followed IMF dictates to the letter, turned the wrecked economy of Ghana around, and then peacefully handed over power to an elected government.

Hey, this beats the usual thread creep......

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744