Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
Just want to know.......you see a $300,000 property as some sort of symbol of wealth? How old are you?

I often fall back on 1980’s prices while attending land auctions(while complaining)......so you’d not be the only one.

Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter

Oh, and I still want to know how a retired cop in bumphuck Georgia can afford a three hundred thousand dollar house? An honest cop that is? Especially a cop with the level of intelligence displayed on the fateful day in question.

I suspect we may be learning much more about the life and times of Officer McBubba over the coming months. Depending on the strength of that "Thin Blue Line". Who knows? Perhaps his wife is an heiress?

Maybe he owes $270,000 on it. Dude is an old old man, he should have built up a little equity by now. Papa Rocket surgeon is extremely old.