Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter

That is not nearly as stupid as kneeling in the dirt like a Warsaw Jew. At least a man can go down fighting. You might as well assume you are dead either way.

Fuggin French rifle droppers!

So, you're saying if jogger had put his hands up and got on the ground, cracker dad would have then been able to shoot him and would have.

Do you know the cracker dad was a nazi? Do you know the cracker dad was incapable of hitting jogger while he was jogging?

Lot of stretch going on there.

I am saying that if I were on a jury, I would sincerely believe that those are valid considerations a "reasonable man" must make. We already know the two aggressors were far beyond the pale of what could ever be considered "reasonable".

I am saying any person cornered on the street by a couple of crazy jerks in a vehicle flagrantly displaying weapons has reason to fear for his life.

I never called anyone a nazi. I have no knowledge of Officer McBubba's political bent.

I only know that no person is wise to submit himself to be rendered helpless and at the mercy of another. Otherwise ALL of us could just hammer our CCWs into Crescent Wrenches.

Oh, and I still want to know how a retired cop in bumphuck Georgia can afford a three hundred thousand dollar house? An honest cop that is? Especially a cop with the level of intelligence displayed on the fateful day in question.

I suspect we may be learning much more about the life and times of Officer McBubba over the coming months. Depending on the strength of that "Thin Blue Line". Who knows? Perhaps his wife is an heiress?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.