Originally Posted by Hastings
Having a limited view of what happened even after watching the video I believe it will be shown at trial that there was no intent to kill when the jogger was accosted. The non shooter looks to be pretty well in the clear for anything serious if there is a good attorney representing him. I am sure the white boy doing the shooting did it out of fear after his stupid behavior got him into way more than he bargained for. His first shot may have been accidental and the thought of having your only firearm taken away by a stronger opponent would be a huge motivation to hold on to it whatever it took. Especially if you knew it was loaded with buckshot. There is big time civil liability and depending on state law it will probably fit some sort of criminal homicide statute. You can bet the father and son neighborhood watch enforcers are really sorry they got mixed up in this by now.

As to all this fussing about blacks killing folks in Chicago and their depredations elsewhere, what does that have to do with the price of eggs in China. How about we stipulate that blacks do commit a disproportionate share of crime in most cities and let it go. They are here to stay and you might as well accept it.

Hastings, none of that matters.

They were charged with Felony Murder. All the prosecutor has to show is they were committing a felony when the kid died, and both probably get life in prison.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell