Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper


It's not so much that you are rude, but disappointing. I'm disappointed that a man of your intelligence, has allowed himself to abandon his skepticism in pursuit of half baked conspiracy theories, especially those founded in racial bigotry . You know The Constitution and founding principles better than most, but for you the proposition that all men are created equal seem to only encompass non-Jewish white males.

No one here is denying there's problems within the black community. I've suggested that if it's what some here really want to discuss, lets not conflate the two issues and start a separate thread on that separate subject, because conflating the two, doesn't help.

You are way to serious a person, especially as a concealed carrier to not take seriously the facts as laid out in the video I presented, regardless of the race of the pro-2A attorney presenting them. You watch the Active Self Defense video's. I expect you are aware the aggressors violated about every principle there is pertaining to armed self defense. So yes, I'm disappointed you went straight to "oh of course he black", as opposed to actually addressing the content of his speech.

You share with the left a tendency to impute evil on those with whom you disagree. I don't consider you to be evil because you disagree with me on many subjects. I just assume that it's due to many years of programming, starting in early childhood, that you are unable to overcome or rise above.

Again you disappoint me...

When did you start channeling Ward Cleaver?

Epstein didn't kill himself.

"Play Cinnamon Girl you Sonuvabitch!"

Biden didn't win the election.