Originally Posted by Starman
Originally Posted by MIKEWERNER
I can’t keep up with your argument here.

Is Barnhill a corrupt DA covering for a hillbilly ex-cop......or is his report on a citizens arrest golden and proof?

are you really that thick?

Ok, one more time for the CF dummies...

McMichael gave a statement indicating he
persued Arbery and cut him off/ordered him
To Stop!.. saying he did it after Bryan had
attempted the same. ... So rightfully Barnhill
wrote it up as decribed by the defendant...
=Citizens arrest.
(Unless you buy JoeBobs baloney that they
'only wanted to talk' to Arbery)

THE part Barnhill then got wrong is that he stated
McMichaels had ' first-hand strong probable cause'
to conduct the arrest.

GBI found no evidence to support the probable cause
[of a felony having been witnessed]
... Even the orig investigating officers could not find it,
since they were ready and willing to arrest/charge the
McMichaels, till DA Johnson intervened, preventing
them from doing so.

I take you believe the orig. officers were going to
Charge them on false grounds?.. and the current GBI
have charged them on false grounds?

Seperate groups of LE Investigators that came to
same conclusion months apart.. have it wrong?

Give me a link to that statement.