Originally Posted by Ejp1234
And from my quick, very easy google search here is why it wasnt burglary...

1.) no forceable entry, nor was the property marked. To be such there must be obvious unlawful entry... i.e., someone stops in to ask for directions is no more or less guilty or innocent then the deceased in this instance.

2.) you must prove intent... you have to prove he had intent of committing a felony. You cant, hes dead.... and not at the scene.

Originally Posted by Ejp1234
Old timer.... its on here now like 5x’s... im not sure how more dense you can be? Its freaking word for gosh darn word....

And differs from the 3rd party line the other guy posted, YOU WANT TO BELIEVE...

Google it jackass.... Im not doing it for you. Im allowing you to rebel in your profound misery of a proclaimed victory....

It'll only be a victory, if you can't provide a link to the bullshit "real" statute, which you claim says the crap you posted earlier.

Think how great it would be, if you were actually *right* about somethin you posted on the innanet, for once.

After hundreds of posts, you could finally be *right*, steada FOS.

All the respect you would get, and me havin ta admit I was wrong.

And all ya gotta do is a "quick, very easy google search".

Seems a shame ta waste all that potential, for simple laziness.