There was no clamor until the video surfaced, and good-ole boy Barnhill had seen to that. Then that telling video appeared.

Why didn’t the Bubbas call 911 and then just follow the black man? Why did Bubbas have to block road, brandish their guns, and then ambush and kill him? Why did the Bubbas want to be the judge, jury, and executioner that day and then claim self-defense?

Who gave these redneck vigilantes permission to corner and then execute the black man? Not one gunshot to the chest, but two. Bubba wanted to make sure he was good and dead.

No felony was committed in their presence; in fact, no offense was committed in their presence. But hey Bubba, go grab a gun and hunt him down. The Bubbas hunted him down and killed him on suspicion.

If Dumb and Dumber had witnessed the black man committing a crime, they should have called the police. Way to go Bubbas!