I heard somebody suggest once that back in the second century when the Christians tossed the Jewish believers out of the Church, instead of treating them as the fathers and elder brothers in the faith that they should have, they called down upon themselves the curse of disunity that plagues them to this day, and is the reason that Judaism has three major denominations and Christianity has hundreds--or even thousands, depending on how you divide them.

An interesting perspective, I thought...although I think it might also have something to do with a message that was designed for a holistic Hebraic understanding being picked apart by Hellenists.

Anyway, there are folks who can push a pin through a Bible and tell you without looking which word contains the hole on every page, but who will never understand the message in the book until they have an opportunity to do some kind of service or missions work with folks from a variety of denominations.

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain--that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." --Lysander Spooner, 1867