Mr. JStuart I may be wrong, and if I am I appologise, but what you are prorposing sounds to me like a new spin on the "Seperate but equal " policies that were found for decades in many states.
What I am hearing is feel free to go with "all the others like you" and then speak your mind as you wish" BUT don't say anything I don't like in any place that I might choose to visit sometimes.

This approach has never been and never will be the "right thing to do". Being able to freely exchange thoughts and opinions is central to be a civilized and free people.

You choose not share your beliefes regarding God and I repsect that choice by not trying to coerce or convince you to do so.

I may choose to to share my beliefe with any who opt to read them, I would ask that you respect my choice in a similar fashion. Read or don't read as deem fit but please don't try to establish rules about what can or can not be said/writen

As others have said if there are statements made that you do not wish to read then simply don't read them. This is exactly the same way I and everyone else deals with the many things in life we find distasteful.