Originally Posted by Rogue
Just rename the forum, "We Protestants are going to Heaven, Everyone else is going to Hell."

I poked my head down there every so often to see a bunch of self rightous ego maniacs condemning me to Hell as a "Mormon Cultist". Every time I said to myself, "self I wonder how long until they start bashing Catholics or Pentacostals or Luths or whoever else."

Great way to testify of Christ, alienate everyone, insult and condemn them all to rot in eternal hellfire-damnation-sin then maybe they'll listen to you.

Did someone say there something about a bear forum?

In all fairness, I don't believe it is appropriate to attribute the stuff that was going on at CATC to "Protestants," or even particulalry to one denomination. It was a core group of guys who led the posse, and more than a few Protestants were as aggrieved as Catholics were. And I know for a fact there are misguided Catholics who would do the same toward Protestants.

Casting stones is NOT what this is about for me.

I received this PM just a few hours ago, and something told me I should ask for permission to cut and paste it. Lo and behold, it fits in perfectly here to illustrate the point, so here goes:

"RickBin, I've never been really active on the site but lurk here almost every day. I am a Pastor in a large Presbyterian church. I enjoy respectful discussion on religious topics, even debates on the good and bad of different denominations. That said, I never spent a lot of time on CATC because of the out-and-out bigotry and hatred expressed by some. I REALLY appreciate the "concept" of CATC but agree with you that in reality it didn't work. Wise choice on your part.

God bless you."

This is the only PM that I have actually asked permission to cut-and-paste, but I promise you, there are many more just like that from Protestants.

What was happening in CATC was un-CHRISTIAN, and Protestants and Catholics alike, and now Mormons, expressed their opposition.


"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated." Thomas Paine