Mac --- You just have to give them the right to be wrong . I was pretty much a " Johnny One Note " on CATC .I said this over and over :

The human mind is incapable of comprehending a Self Existant Being . God must be " apprehended ".Even the early church fathers knew this . They described God only in the negative : Not this , not that .

Now in 2007 we had this forum where folks realized you couldn't "know" God's mind , but they were closer to it than you ! And they had the bible verses to back it up .

What some folks seemed to miss is that a man can't fulfill the Great Commandment with his head [ knowledge ],but with his heart .On judgement day we won't be asked WHAT we know but WHO we know !

I will say that in the last couple of weeks , posters of the Roman Catholic persuasion were given ample opportunity to explain some of the tenets of their faith .I personally didn't ask any questions but some questions were asked and asked in the same spirit that a Church of Christ member might be asked by a Baptist .I didn't get a chance to see the answers [ if they came ] because apparently someone crossed the line one too many times for Rick .

Couldn't have been me .

I was gone .

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place