Originally Posted by Mannlicher
I don't mean to tell anybody what to say or what not to say--that's his own lookout--but I do mean to try to make a little clearer what the consequences of his choice might be.

.......and therein lies the problem. I don't really care what YOUR interpretation of 'the consequences' might be. That is the root cause of problems with discussing religion online. Everyone thinks his personal interpretation of God and his thoughts is the only one with merit, and you guys look down your sanctimonious noses at anyone with the chutzpah to disagree.

Oh, stop.

If you pulled that quote deliberately out of context just to have an example from which to make a point, okay fine: but your point isn't addressed to me, because nowhere in that post did I even mention my "personal interpretation of God." I didn't even approach it obliquely.

I spoke only of my personal interpretation of Jews. Given most of what I see here, I expect I have as much experience with Jews (real ones, I mean, not the ones from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, or Mein Kampf, or the various writings of Martin Luther) as anyone here and more than most: therefore while my "personal interpretation" may not be quite as accurate as what we'd get from a real Jewish guy (have you noticed that they (and black guys, for that matter) seem to be fairly scarce around here?), I'd cheerfully set it up against anything somebody like you would be able to bring to the table.

In another thread I just posted fairly authoritatively--but not any more judgmentally than I did here--to HoundGirl about left hand placement for jackass benchresting without a machine rest. Why aren't you all over me in that thread for being "sanctimonious?"

It's obvious: because you have a hard-on for religious people and you can't bear to allow them to engage in conversation without jumping in and trying to stir them up and set them against each other.

It's a really juvenile impulse; but there's room on the Internet for everybody. (Yours is probably over on myspace.com somewhere.) If you want to paddle around in the kiddie pool, I'll cheerfully leave you to your pursuits; but on this topic it'd be best for you not to try to swim with the big boys, because you can't seem to keep from embarrassing yourself, and it's damaging your credibility elsewhere.

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain--that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." --Lysander Spooner, 1867