I see no reason to push my beliefs on someone, either you believe or you don't how hard is that to copmprehend. I don't look at the bible the same way as my Parish priest does that make me less of a Catholic. You get what you take from the teaching and reading. fer cryin' out loud, my grand-Mother is a Mennonite, I have a lot of relatives that belong to the Church of Christ, I have Baptists, and myslef an my parents are Catholic. Do ya think we try to push each other to the others belief during family reunions. NOT HAPPENIN! ANd I live in the heart of Born Again America, we have the headquarters for Focus on the Family here. What a bucnh of Maroons. They wouldn't be so bad, if they would quit tryin' to tell me how I should live my life, that is the garbage I don't believe in. Les

Back in the heartland, Thank God!