How I view this.
This is Rick's house. We pay no money to come here. We are invited guests. If the owner of the house doesn't like what's going on, inside his house, he has the right to do something about it. Rick didn't like what was going on in CATC, so he decided to close it.
One thing to consider, and that is this place is a place for shooters, hunters, and outdoorsmen to camp out. It's for people from all walks of life to visit, not just Christians, although many Christians atted daily meetings here. But, the Campfire is not just limited to Christians. Our bond is establised, and maintained, by our love for most all aspects of the outdoors. That bond is not one based on one particular religion.
Also, I see no problem in having a thread started here on the Campfire about a specific subject concerning one, or any religion. The Mormon thread is a good example, and it was conducted out of a context of respect, just like Teal's thread about the Pope visiting Denver in 1993; that was a good thread too.
I can always chime in on a Muslem bashing thread, anyday.. grin
If you choose to leave because of a decision Rick made, so be it.


Don Buckbee

NRA Benefactor Member
NSSA Life Member