Originally Posted by dogzapper
Good on you, Rick.

But what are the fellas who posted only at CATC, like Sanlen and the others, gonna do? Hopefully, they are hunting/shooting guys like the rest of us and will join in up here. Or maybe not.

Anyway, you done good. Badnasty cannot go on forever.


It seems that there is never any change. While there were a few posts on the CATC forum that were hateful, the vast majority were not. In the course of time many groups were drug over coals about their belief system, including the Baptists in a very hateful way. Strange, no one seemed to complain about that too much, including the Baptists. But there was one constant that never changed, and it seems never will. Many, many times I stated that anyone is free to believe what they wish, but that does not mean that everyone else has to agree. My view of the forum was learning what others thought and believed. I never considered it something that might �change my mind� about something I believed, or that I would change others, just that in so doing we could learn about each other.

That kind of communication threatens some people. It seems they are not secure in a world where they can hear people who know and understand what they think, but have the audacity to disagree. Much of what has been said to be Catholic bashing was simply not agreeing with what some Catholics said. There were a couple of people who truly �bashed� Catholics, but others simply wanted a balanced conversation, and I think I fit into that group, though it would seem mine has been the only name that has been mentioned. I guess that being willing to allow others the freedom to believe and practice what they wish, but wanting that contrasted and compared with other ideas and what others believe is �bashing�. Interesting definition.

Dogzapper, there were several times I defended your right to believe and say what you wished, and stated that I enjoyed hearing what you had to say and hoped you continued posting. (And BTW, I have posted on quite a few of the forums, like AR, levers, pistols, etc., but I spend more time on some of the Marlin sites.) Neither you nor I expected me to agree with everything you said, but as I said several times, if all I heard were my opinions repeated how would I learn anything? Did I disagree at times, and say so? Yes, but telling the other side is not bashing. If what I did was �Catholic bashing�, then what you and others did in stating your ideas must also be considered �Baptist bashing�. How many times have I asked that we just agree to disagree and go on to some other topic where we could find more common ground? You will never know how many times I did not reply to pointedly anti-Baptist posts, decidedly slanted pro-Catholic posts, or attacks against me personally, all because they would either not be received in the way I would wish, or would simply cause more strife. I imagine that there were others, including Catholics, who could say the same.

I enjoy a good discussion, complete with evidence for and against ideas. This evidence is considered an argument for or against (not an �argument� in the terms of a fight). This is especially true for me with religion and politics, probably because it is impossible to do for most people. It seems most people can only fight about it and never consider the merits of the other side�s argument. Rick Bin, if you read the last post I made, which was never posted because the forum was already down (I usually entered the forum from favorites, or bookmarks, and from these you can still see the CATC forum, so I didn�t know it was down until I sent the post), I would think you would see that, but I am not sure now.

The reason I say that is because, as Fish280, I see a diabolical side to this. I see a side that simply got tired of being disagreed with, of not having what they said accepted simply because they said it. I don�t call it bigotry, however. To me it is censorship. While I agree it is your site, Rick, and you can do what you wish, I think to say CATC was shut down because of the bigotry there may have been a cheap shot, as is most of the �discussion� I�ve seen on this thread. To go by this would mean that you cannot have any real discussion on the Campfire. Disagree with Rick and he�ll pull the plug on you. By putting a sticker on threads such as the Pope�s views and explanations, which meant it would always be at the top, you actually placed it where people couldn�t avoid it, and incited more comments instead of just letting it die.

It seems that it is impossible for some to separate individuals from an organization. Funny thing is (though I�m sure that some will consider this �bashing�) by this action many simply had their opinions (whether true or false they will never know now) of Catholic individuals and the Catholic Church forever merged. I�ve already had people email me with complaints about how Catholics censor things they don�t like. Again, this is not necessarily what I think, but what has already been said to me. To them this is just another Inquisition with Rick as the Grand Inquisitor. �They don�t accept our beliefs? Turn them on the spic for a few minutes� that will teach them. Don�t agree with Catholic doctrine? Boil them in oil. Dare to post their ideas that don�t agree with Catholic dogma? Cancel the forum�. And, don�t just cancel the forum and say it was for the sake of harmony and simply time to move on to something new, but make sure you vilify those that dared to disagree with you when you do it, and foster the one sided hate that this thread has revealed. Oh yeah, this was a good move, Rick. Sadly, it didn�t have to be this way.

I was looking forward to the Rendezvous next spring. It would have been good to sit around and commune with many of those I�ve shared thoughts with over the last few years and share a big pot of chilli (with or without beans). Now, I don�t think I would enjoy it, or be especially welcome. Besides, some may forget that there are laws concerning this now and decide to burn one more Baptist on the woodpile. We might be in season come spring.

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"What will you say when God asks you 'why?'"

KJ believer