It takes more than being grafted in to be Jewish.

I'll grant you that since I don't have the desire or knowledge to argue the point if, indeed, it should ever need to be argued. My point was that I was not desirous of becoming a Jew but was pointing out that I had become one in God's eyes if I'm reading Scriptures correctly. I do stand corrected in that the Scripture mentioned is in Romans and not Hebrews. I just rejoice in the fact that I am, according to the Word, saved to the uttermost.

Trying to exist outside a community of believers would be more than I could manage, I think.
I have daily contact with believers and my son is a minister working on his PhD so we discuss much almost every day. I hope the joy of your fellowship never wanes. Bless you and Penny more than I can express.

Last edited by MColeman; 08/20/07.