Mrs Barak
Read this very carefully, now, Mannlicher and others who have been finding their "fun" in setting folks against each other:

If you don't like what is being discussed, DON'T read and DON'T participate.


Actually thats not a bad idea. You folks can have your own sandbox, or soap box, as the case may be, and just go at it.
I will probably do just that, despite the odious feeling that comes from being 'schooled' by a person such as your self.

You should, however, disabuse yourself of any thought, that my participation to date has been 'fun'. I Will continue to feel that the rancor, and contention in this thread is proof positive of the corrosive effects on polite discourse, that religious discussions always produces.
That one member finds himself at odds with another over their religious convictions, is not unusual, its the norm.
