AllenDay..or others..

Among other admonitions read Revelations 3, chapter one.

Christ at the Campfire was sorta like a 'church'..or fellowship.
For some, it may have been the only view they had of those who espouse to follow Christ....
Christ would close His eyes at some of the responses posted..but they had their affect to turn people from Him which is saddening.

We collectively didn't do a very good job at times hearing Christ's Holy Spirit..and so perhaps like that early church was threatened by Christ with dismissal, the owner of this website.... under Christ's direction, has removed that forum from validity.

As I said and hoped earlier on another topic related to the demise of CATC, let those of us who know Christ, who are endeavoring to follow Him by faith, let the love and truth of Christ shine in whatever we post(say) on any of these forums..
Sometimes the truth spoken in love is harsh..but when done at the unction of the Holy Spirit, it will have the desired result which God intends.
Hardened hearts ?or a heart which sees how God sees and changes and responds.

As opportunity arises and lead by Christ's Holy Spirit on any forum-topic, let us pray for help for those who are in need, offer our experiences in sundry and mundane things.

Not many will come to His call.
Let us not be those who inhibit those who seek or are in need by our cyber responses.

Ya never may get a PM and help anpother thru a serious crisis.Jim